Information Security Policy

Sepia Innovations Inc. constantly recognizes the importance of securely managing customer information and other sensitive data as we advance our business activities.

In the execution of our operations, the following measures are implemented with the purpose of appropriately managing our information through the establishment of information security measures and their assured execution.

  1. Definition: As for information security, maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
  2. Participation: Activities related to information security measures involve all employees, including executive officers.
  3. Maintenance & Management: Fulfill societal responsibilities as a corporate entity while properly managing the information we possess.
  4. Compliance with Laws: Comply with business-related laws and regulations, as well as contractual matters with customers and others.
  5. Education: Conduct education and training to improve the awareness of information security among all employees.
  6. Management and Improvement: Maintain and manage the effective implementation of information security, and continuously undertake necessary improvements in response to changes in threats to information.
  7. Delegation: Delegate responsibility and authority to a management representative to execute, maintain, and improve the management system.

Sepia Innovations
Hanny Patil